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Showing posts from July, 2018

Breaking Habits

Giving up is so easy, especially when you've never had anyone or developed any reason to help keep you motivated. Last year, during the beginning of my self-discovery, I did a few self-help exercises to figure out things about myself. Even though a lot of them were positive, I also had to address the negatives--one of them being the lack of discipline. I forget exactly how I got to that particular exercise but the thing was, I discovered that I have a problem with it. I have a problem with being consistent, persistent, and dedicated to things that are actually GOOD for me and to me. I noticed that my habits were always a stop and go situation and rarely did I ever complete a thing before moving on to something else. Like exercising, or eating right, reading my bible more, or any ole thing that I really wanted to set my mind to and execute, I'd start and then stop. Start and Stop. The cycle continued. I took a moment to write down where the root of this issue came from an...

Can't Nobody Do It Like You

CAN'T NOBODY DO IT LIKE YOU So yesterday, I wrote a Facebook post that seemed to have resonated with a lot of people. Got a couple of shares. Check it out below. Ana Kitty Larrieux Gibson 20 hrs  ·  This is for anyone who stopped doing what they thought they should be   doing because there are others who do the same thing. Take note. The fact is, there are a gazillion people in the same field as you, doing exactly what you like to do, HOWEVER, it shouldn't stop you from pursuing that passion/goal/dream because they're in your field. Find what sets you apart and work it like you're the only one who knows how. Think of all the pizza joints we got. Do you think any of them sa id, "nah im not going to do it because it's already being done." NO. They went through with it because they believed their pizza has a taste that no one else does. And they work that angle. DeVon Franklin says it best. Your difference is your destiny. So don'...

Make your 30s count!

Hey guys, I'm back briefly. I've been pretty busy these last two weeks so I haven't had time to sit and write anything. But today, I just wanted to share something that has been on my mind in the midst of my absence. BEING 30 years old. Now, I've been 30 for..1,2, carry the 5, subtract the......8 months now and I must say, i'm enjoying every ounce of it. It's crazy cause I've heard people dread turning 30 and I promised myself that I would not put myself through that kind of mental drainage when my time came. There's no point. What i've learned so far is: to be myself unapologetically. To quit worrying about what others may think or say about me. To live in my honest truth and to live my life to the fullest. Have I mastered them all yet? NO, but I do my best in making a conscious effort in doing so. Being 30 opened my eyes about myself and i'm in a state of transitioning so that I can get the most out of my life. I told a friend...