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Throw The Whole Person Away

Throw The Whole Person Away I love this meme for many reasons. It works well with so many jokes and incidences deemed funny or light heartedly crazy, especially when it comes to breakups and such. But on the flip side, it's not as funny when it involves someone you know. Most recently, I found myself having to confront this line in a much more personal way. I'll explain. Last week, a situation happened to a person I know that got him into a lot of trouble. I won't disclose what it was but just know it really wasn't good. Upon looking at the circumstance, my heart went out to him because I know that he's such a bright and smart young man that made a ridiculous and stupid choice that could literally cost him everything. Knowing the details, anyone could say, "Throw the whole person away," and justifiably so, BUT for me I didn't feel that in this case. The reason why it's personal is because at the time I felt like his decision would impact...

Hello Me! (A Self-Discovery Segment)

Who Do You Think You Are? I wrote this quote because I was talking to a young friend of mine one evening and out of nowhere, I began to ask her random questions about herself. I wanted to know what her thoughts were. I wanted to know her views, why she does the things she does, why she thinks the way she thinks. And after talking to her for a while, I came to realize that many of us don’t know who we really are outside of what our life events and loved one's voices has said we are. I want to first say, if you're the kind of person that has had nothing but positivity in your life from friends and family and you bask in that identity, that is so awesome. You’ve probably found yourself and this post probably isn't for you. However, for those of us who are just now journeying to find a sense of self after so long of being told what to be, how to act, what to do, and all the other societal standards, this post is for you. HOW YOU DOIN?? HEY GIRL HEY (Or BOY)!  ...

Your Ugly Has Beauty, Too (Forgiveness)

Forgive me, y'all. This one might be a lil long today. Ugly truths are hard to confront and mirrors weren't made to just reflect outer beauty but to show the uglier sides of us too. I want to be honest with you guys right now. Last summer, I found myself in a real funk. This was a few months after I had done my When Hearts Align Concert which, by the way, I had already felt like I failed at it. Add on some other factors like being a stay at home mom (which is a job within itself), a wife, not having any real quality time with my husband, especially the physical part of it, my best friend coming to stay with us for a while (although she was a tremendous help for us), not having any money (and I don't mean joint account money. I mean my own, actually working for it so that I can spend it how I want to, money), feeling a little lost and not sure of myself, constant negative reminders of being a failure (That's what I told myself. I know it's not true), it playe...