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Make your 30s count!

Hey guys, I'm back briefly.

I've been pretty busy these last two weeks so I haven't had time to sit and write anything. But today, I just wanted to share something that has been on my mind in the midst of my absence.

BEING 30 years old.

Now, I've been 30 for..1,2, carry the 5, subtract the......8 months now and I must say, i'm enjoying every ounce of it. It's crazy cause I've heard people dread turning 30 and I promised myself that I would not put myself through that kind of mental drainage when my time came. There's no point.

What i've learned so far is: to be myself unapologetically. To quit worrying about what others may think or say about me. To live in my honest truth and to live my life to the fullest. Have I mastered them all yet? NO, but I do my best in making a conscious effort in doing so.

Being 30 opened my eyes about myself and i'm in a state of transitioning so that I can get the most out of my life. I told a friend right around my birthday time that, "I've got to make this decade count," for many reasons.

In my 20s, I was so sheltered. I hadn't a clue on who I really was. I did things to please people. I walked on eggshells. I wore plenty masks. Have been extremely fearful and hesitant of doing certain things because of the "potential of failing," etc. The best decision I made in my 20s was getting married to my husband, buying a house, having our little Fireball named Grayson and light traveling. Outside of that, I'm not really sure what else has been my greatest decision (correct me if i'm wrong people. Turning 30, I might've lost a little bit of memory. LOL just kidding.)  Now, I'm not saying every thing I did, I regret or wasn't good or anything like that, cause I know that every propellation (I know that's not a word but it is today) and misstep led me to this point. It all worked for my good anyway. However, I'm noticing that a lot is changing with me and i'm realizing that I want more out of my life and I want it to be substantial--to have substance.

So, how am I making my 30s count compared to my 20s?

1. Ain't fooling with no more bullshit FROM ANYBODY
2. Making meaningful, lasting friendships
3. Learning how to say no if I really don't want to do something
4. Going after the things I desire and not second guessing it
5. Allowing my gifts to make room for me just by using them instead of having a concrete, concise plan for them. (I had this epiphany about 2 days ago. My gifts of singing and writing will carry me wherever they are needed at the time. I do not have a precise, inflexible plan for them as I have too many to try to put into a box).
6. Loving myself more
7. Creating lasting wealth
8. Getting out of the poverish mindset (more to come on that)
9. Celebrating others while I celebrate myself
10. Living everyday with gratitude and understanding how blessed I really am in the now.
11. Trusting God more (that should've been #1.)
12. Making my own rules and figuring out how to do stuff on my own instead of waiting on someone to do it for me (that's a major one. You know how people be saying they gonna do something and then don't come through. But I digress.)

While this might not seem big to you guys, it's huge to me cause this wasn't my thought back then. Being 30 makes you think. It sorta changes you and i'm loving the change. I feel all grown and sexy now.

So let me ask you. What has it been like for you before turning 30, while you were 30 and for those who remember being 30? What's your wisdom? Let's discuss.

Don't forget to follow me on my social media pages.

Twitter: @anamarigibson
Facebook: @AnaGibsonFanSpot
IG: @Officialanagibson


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