So yesterday, I wrote a Facebook post that seemed to have resonated with a lot of people. Got a couple of shares. Check it out below.
I want to expand on this a little more.
The thought came to me after I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw a family friend pursuing her passion of baking. I believe she's a newbie to it. Coincidentally, someone within this same circle popped into my head because she used to do the same thing but for whatever reason, she stopped. One of the reasons being because she's said everybody is doing it.
And I thought to myself, just by looking at the newbie's photo, "How many of us give up or become super insecure about a thing we like to do because it seems as though the rest of the world is partaking in the same business venture, product or service, and they're getting more attention than we are for it?"
I know i've had my share of doubts and insecurities, especially with my hand being in so many things. And when it comes to singing or writing or event decorating, at times it has definitely hit me harder than I care to admit. Plenty of times I almost called it quits.
It wasn't until I read a book by Devon Franklin, The Hollywood Commandments; the specific chapter called "Your Difference Is Your Destiny." I read that book last year. That chapter is just now hitting me. It's not that I didn't understand what he was saying, it was just that I couldn't grasp my difference for my specialties at the time of reading that book.
Your Difference is Your Destiny. And what that simply means is, we are gonna always be among people who do the very same thing we do, whether it be singing, writing, baking, workshopping, being a doctor, a MUA, lawyer, engineer, or maybe even a receptionist, but the thing that sets you apart within that field of service or product or what have you is what's going to make people flock and elevate you rather than your competitors because YOU have something about YOU and your WORK that people need. And that's what you've got to find out.
I know for me, specifically when it comes to my singing and writing--I know I captivate people by my unique and passionate way of storytelling both in story and song (they kind of go hand in hand anyway), or simply by the way I sing a song. Since working on Guide Me Home, I've asked myself what is going to make me stand out as an author from all these others ones? Why am I unique compared to the rest? What do I have that maybe these other ones don't? And lastly, what's going to give me the biggest bang for my buck when it comes to marketing? The Answer. I SING. This was my AH HA MOMENT.
And so using both gifts at the same time allows me to bring forth the broader message with this book while also gaining more fans/customers/listeners because not only do people like to read but they love music and to be able to give that at the same time from the SAME PERSON is what makes me different. It's a unique approach at doing this very ordinary and overdone thing (singing and writing) and making it extraordinary.
How, you ask? Because no one, that I know of, has put out a song or album to coincide with their novel, especially if the author can sing. Customers are getting the best of both worlds. Not only that, the messages that I send through song and storytelling comes from a much deeper place--a spiritual and passionate place with a desire to help heal and encourage people; to bring a sense of awareness to oneself and showing what true love looks like all while still being able to entertain you. THIS IS WHAT SETS ME APART and there are folks who need EXACTLY what I have to offer.
As for event decorating, i'm still trying to figure that out. Maybe because i'm super affordable, I don't know. I'll get back to y'all on that. LOL
But any who, when you find yourself getting ready to quit because you think that what you're doing is nothing special, I challenge you to think again. The product or service or deed may not be special in and of itself, but YOU ARE. And you have something in you that NO ONE ELSE has in order for it to be the success you desire it to be. And if you don't know, it's ok to ask people close to you. I know I have and they've pretty much said some of the same things I thought, which tells me i'm on the right track. So get back to work and start searching real deep within to find your unique angle and run with it.
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