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And why is she here?

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen...the moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived. Back by popular demand (in her mind at least), ready to share with the world her life, her stories and her calling, the girl who can eat a can of peas, sing to the high heavens, who's preferred breakfast is French toast from iHop, can make a mean balloon arch, AND makes it her life's mission to wear mismatched socks, I bring to you the incomparable...ANA...MARIE...GIBBSSSOOONNNNN!!!!!


*fans screaming wildly*

How y'all feeling tonight????? 
(or morning, whichever time zone you're in. It's cool)

Welcome to the OfficialAnaGibson Blog. I'm so glad you bought your free tickets to this ongoing event. This is going to be amazing. Are you guys ready to rock out?

I'm going to pretend like you guys said yes cause if you didn't...

Now let's get to it.

For those who do not know me, my name is Ana Gibson. I'm a 30 year old stay at home wife and mom. I've been a mother for 2 years now and I've been married going on 8 years. We've been together a total of 14. That's a long @$$ time. I live in Charles County Maryland (right outside of D.C.) And we have a Boston terrier named Buster. -__-  Anybody who has a Boston Terrier knows why I put that face there. LOL

Any who, heres what else you should know about me. I am a singer/songwriter, event decorator, a cusser (I'll keep it PG-13 for most of my post), an author, annndd, drum roll, officially a freelance blogger. I'm telling y'all now, I do not do this for a living. 

So why are you doing it, Ana? 

*snatches mic*
I'll tell you why, Susie. I'm not doing it for a living but i'm actually doing this as part of my calling. And it's because I have a lot to talk about. I mean, a whole lot. I've got experiences and revelations and advice to share. And because sometimes I don't know how to always translate my thoughts by speaking it out, my best bet is to write it. I feel like I'm a better writer than I am a speaker, although I've been told I speak pretty well actually. I probably just need to take some tiny tots toastmasters classes. But that's beside the point. I'm using this platform to share my ideas, share my heart, share my insights and wisdom and bless you all with the things I do have knowledge about.

I chose to blog as one of my outlets because I realize that when I do have a lot to say, I need to get it all out and that may sometimes require more than typing 140 words in a tweet, or posting a nice little quote alluding to the 2000 words I really want to say on Instagram or narrowing it down to three paragraphs on a Facebook post that people end up not even clicking the "continue reading" link because they think it might be too long. So i'm going to BLOG IT. To me, it's the equivalent of public speaking. Any who, writing is definitely one of my best gifts that God has given me and I want to use it in as many ways as possible. It aligns with my calling and its important that I have enough space to write whatever message the good Lord needs me to write about and work it how I want to work it.

As a reader, what can I expect from you, Ana?

Well Cody, I can tell you this. Expect a LOT of transparency. Thats a trait I pride myself on. I feel that when you're transparent with people, it helps others heal and overcome whatever issues they're facing and ushers them into a mindset of being their authentic selves which then creates a ripple effect one person at a time. The more we are open and honest about who we are, the more we can help someone else and that's what I'm striving to do--to help and heal. 

Most of my topics will be about Self-discovery, Self-esteem, Childhood Emotional Trauma and it's effects in adulthood, Marriage, and my novel Guide Me Home, and anything that requires us to be aware of ourselves. I am very intrigued with self-awareness and being true to getting to the root out our issues. Introspection is my thing. AND i'm warning y'all now, I talk about God a lot because He is a big part of my life so get used to that. That's my pops. My dad. The lover of my soul, so you know....

This ain't a blog about Fake News. i.e. unrealistic experiences, expectations and advice. However, the blog is for people who are longing to know themselves more; to understand themselves and others. It's for people who need to feel safe and have a sense of belonging. It's for those who are wanting to get to know who God is without the religious fluff and rhetoric. I do not like religion. I am all about relationship with the Father.

While it's tempting to say this blog is for anybody, quite frankly, it's not, only because I am not an "anybody experiencer." That's probably not even term but whatever. I just know that I know my lane and I know my experiences and can only aid in that area and if there is something I don't know but you need help with, I can most certainly help you find what it is you may be looking for. I'll do my best to not leave you hanging.

Lastly, I want y'all to know (disclaimer: I love saying ya'll and Ain't. Blame it on the under side of the Mason Dixon Line), I encourage comments, suggestions, complaints, and disagreements as long as you keep it respectful at all times. If not, I have no problem cutting you off.

*In my Cardi B voice* Don't Get Comfortable. K? K!

There will also be a lot of guest posts involved too, so please be on the lookout with that.

So are you guys ready to get this show on the road??

GOOD. Take the time to subscribe to my list to stay updated. Please spread the news. Share with as many people as you know. Follow me on all of my social media pages.

Twitter: @Anamariegibson

And if you finally made it down to this point of the blog, you are in luck because now you can take a look at another blog of mine. What a steal for launch day, right? Check out the blog, "Hello Me."

*Disclaimer* I am in no way a subject matter expert in regards to anything I blog about. Such content is strictly based on experience and inspiration with key references made where appropriate. The purpose of my blogs are to simply be transparent, to inspire and to help bring a level of awareness to oneself as we journey through this thing called life.


  1. I read this blog earlier today - I am still cracking up from Cody and Susie....hahaha!! Great, great blog, and I am eagerly awaiting to hear more from you Ana Gibson!! \O/ :)

  2. This is a wonderful blog Ana Gibson.
    The way you describe yourself, it feels as if you are talking about me.
    Lot of my friends, collegues and even people that i do not know in person (Internet friends) telling me that i have a healing gift, and that i make them feel comfortable, some even call me an Angel send by God. The problem is that i do not see that myself.
    Maybe it is part of learning to know who i am.
    I realy enjoyed reading your blogs, and i am very interested in knowing and learning more about you... ;-)

    1. Thank you so much. You are too kind. You probably are an Angel. I don't doubt that. :)


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