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Throw The Whole Person Away

Throw The Whole Person Away

I love this meme for many reasons. It works well with so many jokes and incidences deemed funny or light heartedly crazy, especially when it comes to breakups and such. But on the flip side, it's not as funny when it involves someone you know. Most recently, I found myself having to confront this line in a much more personal way. I'll explain.

Last week, a situation happened to a person I know that got him into a lot of trouble. I won't disclose what it was but just know it really wasn't good. Upon looking at the circumstance, my heart went out to him because I know that he's such a bright and smart young man that made a ridiculous and stupid choice that could literally cost him everything. Knowing the details, anyone could say, "Throw the whole person away," and justifiably so, BUT for me I didn't feel that in this case. The reason why it's personal is because at the time I felt like his decision would impact me too. I had thoughts like, "Nah, I can't associate myself with that. I need to pull away. He's no good." I was ALMOST going to give into the logical, self-centered reaction like most people do, but God was like, "now girl you know you need to check yourself first." Because I was only thinking of me in that moment, I was giving way to fear and worry when reality is, his situation has nothing to do with me to begin with. I'm glad I got checked though because what would've happened had I went through on my words and thoughts of throwing him away because of what he's done?

I'll tell you. I would've missed the opportunity to grant mercy, love, grace, compassion and truth to him. I would've missed an opportunity to prove that there really are people out here still rooting and praying for him to get through this really wild and crazy time. I would've missed out on walking truly in my calling to reach souls like his. And while I am deeply disappointed in this poor choice, still, I don't see him anything less than who he really is and I can only hope that one day he'll see himself the way myself and others and God sees him.

Think about it. How many of us have thrown someone away because of their poor choices, despite them being a good person? I think about the many celebrities that still get shown love even when they eff up because for some unknown reason, we "see them" or "love them." Why can't we show the same kind of love to people we actually KNOW? And no, i'm not talking about people who abuse and misuse others for the hell of it or anything like that. That's a whole other topic by itself, but like, this is really for those people who made choices that really do have negative side effects; i.e. hanging with the wrong crowd and getting caught up, or getting into a relationship with someone after being warned how unhealthy it will be. Maybe moving out of state or country with no real plan, giving up on friendships for a boyfriend or girlfriend and then later realizing how dumb that was. Whatever the choice, whatever the mistake, that's what I'm referring to.
Take a look at yourself. Think about the many wrongs you've done despite the fact that you really are a great person inside. How many people threw you away because of what you've done to them or the poor choices you've made in life? How many people said you're no good or you don't deserve forgiveness or to be looked at any other way? How many people have abandoned you, left you out there looking crazy, called you stupid (and I can admittedly say I've done these things as well) and had no regards to the actual you? It didn't feel good right? It will never feel good when people walk away from you, especially when your choice had nothing to do with them at all.

And so, what I believe God was showing me in this instance was that this is a time where I have to show this guy who he is by doing right by him and that means extending God's love, truth, and awareness; showing him what grace looks like and giving the benefit of the doubt. That doesn't take away the fact that he did what he did, however, it overrides his actions which transcends the need to ridicule and cast him away. By showing the opposite of being dismissed, it is my hope that then his eyes will open and his heart will soften and he will feel the unction of needing to do right next time around.

We can't be so quick to throw people away all the time. I know it's not always easy. But when you find yourself doing so, stop and take a moment and think, "how many times have I been thrown away because of my choices in life?" and then think about how it made you feel. Who was there to lift you back up? Who was there to show mercy? Who was there to give you another chance and to see past your faults? More than likely it was God and his spirit living through the few folks who stuck by your side.

...he welcomed sinners that others didn’t (Matthew 19:14; Luke 7:37–39). He looked at them, as Mark says he did with the rich young man, and he loved them (Mark 10:21). He had compassion on them. And most glorious of all, he wielded his authority to speak those wondrous words, “Your sins are forgiven” (Luke 7:48). --Jonathan Parnell.
So even though the quote is funny and I probably will still use it depending on the circumstance, cause let's be real, it's a fitting joke, nevertheless, I'll learn to choose more wisely on how it's being used and be mindful that in most serious cases, not everyone needs to be thrown away. I'd hate to be put in the trash too.

Much Love,


  1. Hi dear Ana, i enjoyed reading your blog today.
    I must say it was at some moments painful to read,because i have been in the situation that friends have been throwing me away, and abandoned me, because i made decisions that where not right, but i had to make them for myself, and i don't say i always made the right decisions, everybody makes mistakes. but i think we can not judge the decisions that people make.
    I will never Judge anyones decision, because you not always know the real reason why they made it.
    So i think this is a very good blog to let people realize that.
    Thank you dear.

    1. Lena, you are so right. The mistakes we make, whether people see it or not, is apart of the human experience. It all works together for our good anyway. Mistakes are supposed to happen. How else will we ever learn? I am so glad you liked this blog. It was a reminder for me to be less judgmental of others because honestly, I need the same grace extended to me too when I make my mistakes. Thank you so much for commenting. :)

    2. Sometimes it's hard for us to continue to love someone that has done something to hurt us. Family is a good example of that. A lot of folks are walking around in unforgiveness, throwing the whole person away. I do believe that there are situations in which you must remove the person but that's not always the case. We wrestle not against flesh and blood....

    3. Absolutely. There are definitely instances where removal is a must, like domestic abuse, whether it be mental, physical or whatever, and cheating and things that are intentional to hurt someone else, yea, you've got to go. But a mistake or choice that I make (speaking in general) let me reap the consequences but don't leave me because I did this (especially when it don't have nothing to do with you anyway). I think we've got to be more conscience of not disposing people unnecessarily. Some mistakes happen to help us grow up. Kiki, Great comment!!

  2. I’ve had many cases where I’ve been thrown away by people and in some instances it was because of nothing I did but whatever they were going through was taken out on me. It took a lot for me to forgive them and the situation even though we don’t speak any longer. I’ve had to throw a few people away because their poor choices were being reflected on me and I was being pulled into their messy ways. In those cases, it’s cool to throw them ninjas away lol It takes so much for us not to instantly judge when the people we care for make poor decisions. It’s just a human instinct that’s hard to turn off, but after some time and truly thinking about the situation, whatever it may be, we come back around and forgive or show mercy or simple understanding and things go back to normal with the person because the love we have for them never strays away. I think if we start with love then those tendencies to judge will be less effective and there won’t be as much tarnishing of the relationships we have with others. Great post Ana!!! 💞


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